Check ID - Web

For compliance with KYC, AML and other commercial requirements, a Partner can obtain automatic identification of users and continuous update of their personal data, by integration of 1:ID widget on their website.

In order to achieve this, Partner has to follow below steps.

1. Add 1:ID widget on your web page

To add a 1:ID widget on your web page, please add below tags of your html code of the web page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

2. Call a function

In order to redirect users to the 1:ID widget when they click the 1:ID button from the web page, please add below code snippet before the closing tag of your web page.

<script type="text/javascript"> initWidget("ONEIDXXXXXXXX",'bottom-right');

In the above code,

  • Please note that "ONEIDXXXXXXXX" here is a Partner ID, so partner has to replace this code with their own Partner ID located in the Account section of the Partner Control Panel.
  • Here 'bottom-right' indicates a button position on the web page. Partner can change this position to 'top-right', 'top-left', 'bottom-left' whichever they prefer.

After successfully placing above two code snippets, a 1:ID button will be displayed on a partner web page as shown below.

Upon successfully placing 1:ID widget on a web page, user has to follow below process to get identified using 1:ID.

User's auto identification using 1:ID

When user visits Partner website and wants to be identified automatically using 1:ID, they will click on this 1:ID button on the web page and below screen will popup.

Here the "#CompanyName" is the name of the Partner company where a user is trying to get auto identified.

In above screen, user has to enter his mobile number registered with 1:ID or user can directly go to the 1:ID application in their mobile device and go to the Scan page and scan the QR code shown in the above screen.

If user enters a registered mobile number, he will get in-app notification in his 1:ID application and if user enters a mobile number which isn't registered with 1:ID, he will receive a text message with the link to 1:ID, where user can register himself with 1:ID.

Once user successfully enters his registered mobile number, he will get a 'Success Popup Box' as below.

Now when user clicks on the in-app notification he has received upon entering his registered mobile number, user will be redirected to the page below from where he can either approve the CheckID request from the partner or reject it.

If user has not granted permission to Partner to access his personal data, app will ask the user to go to 1:PARTNERS section to identify himself and approve sharing of data with the concerned partner.

After giving the approval of sharing his personal data with the Partner, user will get a confirmation message saying that his 1:ID card and personal data will be shared with the Partner but he can recall this permission anytime he wants. Please refer to the screen below for the exact message.

Upon successfully verified Check ID, user will get a success popup box as below.