Check-ID - 1:OLI

1:OLI is basically an application that enables partner to create an Event at any Site and assigns Agents to that event to identify people on location. Hence 1:OLI stands for "On Location Identification"

In Check-ID - 1:OLI, Agent will have a list of events and sites assigned to him by partner from which he can activate any one event and site at a time and check whether a person is already authenticated by 1:ID or not, just by scanning the 1:ID card of the people to identify them who are going to join that event.

Some events can be temporary for the certain period of time and some can be running life long.

Following are the steps for the Check-ID - 1:OLI

  1. Agent will see the list of events and sites assigned to him in his 1:OLI application and activate any one event at a time by tapping on a green icon as shown below.
    1. Events and Sites marked with yellow icon are inactivated, marked with blue are the activated one and in order to activate or deactivate click on the green icon.
    2. Only activated event can be deactivated by tapping on the green icon.
  1. Tap OK to activate an event/site as shown below where agent can see event name and date of the event.
  1. Once an event or a site is successfully activated, the below success dialog box will be displayed.
  1. Upon deactivating any event or sites, below screen will popped up. Tap OK to deactivate it.
  1. Once an event or a site is successfully deactivated, the below success dialog box will be displayed.
  1. Upon successfully activated an event on a specific site, Agent can scan 1ID card of the people attending an event from the Scan function in his 1:OLI application. If a person is not authenticated by 1:ID then the access will be denied as shown below.

  1. If a person is already verified by 1:ID then user's entry will be approved as shown below.

  1. Tap OK to approve the entry.

  1. If user has not given data sharing permission to the partner from his/her 1:ID app, below screen will be shown.