Agents are added by Partners and requires already 1ID profile / App. Partner can add as many agent they want from the parner panel for any event or sites they have created and those agents can either accept or decline this request and upon accepting, agent function will be activated and agent will be able to conduct physical/on-location identification of visitors or customers at all sites and events hosted by partner.
Steps to add an agent from the partner panel
- Partner after login into their panel, can create any event, site or add an agent from the left sidebar under 1:OLI, as shown below.
- Click on Add Agent button and add mobile number of the agent you want to add or upload file with numerous mobile numbers below. Partner can add multiple agent to a particular event.
- Partner will have below successful dialog box upon successfully sending a request.
Steps for the agent to activate agent function
- Agent will login in their 1:OLI application in order to get access as an Agent.
- When Agent tries to login but is not appointed by any partner then he will get below error message or if he has been appointed as an agent by any partner then he will receive below success message.
Error message:
Success message:
- Agent after clicking on OK button in success dialog box, needs to open 1:ID application in which under 1:VERIFY agent can accept or reject the request from the partner.
If agent accepts the request:
If agent rejects the request:
- Upon successfully accepting the request from the partner, agent function will be activated and agent can now can conduct on-location identification of visitors by scanning their 1:ID card and can also manage the sites and events he is assigned to from his 1:OLI application as shown below.
Updated over 1 year ago